Step 1. Hardware Configuration for IV and CV Measurement Control
The IV (Current / Voltage) and CV (Capacitance / Voltage) test applications requires a test chamber and either the Keysight B1506A Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer or the Keysight B1505A Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer with its test chamber.
For more information, refer to
B1506A Operation and Demonstration Guide (Keysight part number B1506-90500) for additional information.
B1505A Operation and Demonstration Guide (Keysight part number B1505-90500) for additional information.
If these characterization tests are to be performed over a wide range (room temperature to +250 °C), they also require the InTEST HP289-PM Thermal Platform. Refer to the InTEST documentation for detailed installation and setup information. The B1505A requires the Keysight N1265A text fixture to work with the InTEST platform.
Power Device Analyzer Specification and Operating Conditions
Conditions for SpecificationsThe measurement and output accuracy are specified under the conditions listed below. |
B1506A | B1505A |
Temperature: 23 ±5 °C. | Temperature: 23 ±5 °C. |
Humidity: 20 to 70%, no condensation. | Humidity: 20 to 70% |
Self-calibration after a 40-minute warm-up is required. | Self-calibration after a 40-minute warm-up is required. |
Room temperature change less than ±1 °C after self-calibration execution. (Note: does not apply to the MFCMU). | Room temperature change less than ±1 °C after self-calibration execution. (Note: does not apply to the MFCMU). |
Measurement made within one hour after self-calibration execution. (Note: does not apply to the MFCMU). | Measurement made within one hour after self-calibration execution.(Note: This does not apply to the MFCMU). |
Calibration period: 1 year. | Calibration period: 1 year. |
SMU integration time setting: 10 PLC (1 nA to 1 A range, voltage range), 200 μs (20 A range) Averaging of high-speed ADC: 128 samples per 1 PLC. | SMU integration time setting: 1 PLC (1 nA to 1 A range, voltage range), 200 µs (20 A range) Averaging of high-speed ADC: 128 samples per 1 PLC |
SMU filter: ON for MPSMU. | SMU filter: ON for HPSMU and MPSMU. |
The accuracy of the drain output current measurement specification is not guaranteed until 20 seconds after a voltage change. | SMU measurement terminal connection: Kelvin connection (for HPSMU, MPSMU, HCSMU and MCSMU), non-Kelvin (for HVSMU) |
Operating ConditionsUse the B150xA PDAs only under conditions listed below. |
B1506A | B1505A |
Temperature: +5 to +40 °C | +5 °C to +40 °C |
Humidity: 20 to 70%, no condensation | Humidity: 20% to 70% |
When used with InTEST Thermal plate:
When used with InTEST Thermal plate:
IV and CV General Setup
B1506A Setup

The B1506A SMU measurement resources depend on which option you purchased. Verify that the following SMUs are installed in the correct slots.
H21 Option
B1506A option H21 is identical with the following SMUs:
Slot 1: B1511B MPSMU (SMU1)
Slot 2: B1520A MFCSMU
Slot 3: B1514A MCSMU (SMU2)
Slot 4: B1514A MCSMU (SMU3)
Slot 5: B1514A MCSMU (SMU4)
Slot 6: Not Used
Slot 7: B1513C HVSMU (SMU6)
Slot 8: Not Used
H51 and H71 Options
B1506A options H51 and H71 are identical with the following SMUs:
Slot 1: B1511B MPSMU (SMU1)
Slot 2: B1520A MFCSMU
Slot 3: B1514A MCSMU (SMU2)
Slot 4: B1514A MCSMU (SMU3)
Slot 5: B1514A MCSMU (SMU4)
Slot 6: B1514A MCSMU (SMU5)
Slot 7: B1513C HVSMU (SMU6)
Slot 8: Not Used
The B1506A options H51 and H71 configure the UHCU (Ultra High Current Unit) by using the test chamber to merge the currents of two MCSMUs installed in the B1506A mainframe. -
Connect the analyzer to its test chamber as described in the B150XA documentation. (See the graphic below.)
- Connect the Digital I/O cable first.
- Connect the N1300 CMU cable; used on the MFCMU in the B1506A Slot 2.
- Connect the System cable in the order of the label numbers. On the B1506A for example, start at the bottom with the GNDU cable and work your way up. The cables labeled 2S (SMU2 Sense) and 2F (SMU2 Force) connect to the Medium Current SMU2 installed in Slot 3; 3S and 3F connect to SMU3 in slot 4, etc.
After completing the cable connections described above, verify the operation of the test chamber. For instructions, see:
B1506A Operation and Demonstration Guide, Section 2. See:
B1506A User's Guide,
Install the InTEST hot plate in the test chamber and connect the thermal platform controller. See Thermal Platform below.
B1505A Setup

Unlike the B1505A, the B1505A doesn’t have a fixed configuration. To use the B1505A with the PD1000A system requires at least following hardware options and setup:
For H21 (20 A) configuration:
N1259A test fixture with module selector option
B1514A MCSMU, B1511B MPSMU or B1510A HPSMU for Gate Control
B1513C HVSMU for high-voltage measurement on drain/collector
B1512A HCSMU for high-current measurement on drain/collector
B1511B MPSMU for low-current measurement on drain/collector
B1520A MFCMU for capacitance measurement
N1272A device capacitance selector
N1273A capacitance test fixture
Cables and adapters for the connection
For H51 (500 A) or H71 (1500 A) configuration:
MCSMU o1265A Ultra High Current Expander/Fixture
B1514A MCSMU* or B1514A MCSMU for gate
MCSMU or HCSMU for Icon (I control) of N1265A
MCSMU or HCSMU for Vcon (V control) of N1265A
B1513C HVSMU for high-voltage measurement on drain/collector
B1511B MPSMU for low-current measurement on drain/collector
B1520A MFCMU for capacitance measurement
N1272A device capacitance selector
N1273A capacitance test fixture
Cables and adapters for the connection
Connect the analyzer to its test chamber and make cable connections as described in the B150XA documentation:
B1505A Configuration and Connection Guide,
After completing the cable connections described above, verify the operation of the test chamber. For instructions, see:
B1505A User Guide, Section 3. See:
Install the InTEST hot plate in the test chamber and connect the thermal platform controller. See Thermal Platform below.
Thermal Platform
Click here for thermal platform information.
The B1506A's test chamber can be equipped with a thermal platform ("hot plate") from InTEST (model HP289-PM) for controlling DUT temperature. The thermal platform consists of a temperature controller and a thermal plate installed inside the B1506A test chamber. The controller connects to thermal plate by a pass-through connection harness that is part of the test chamber. The plate sits on the silicone plate to minimize cable length and risk of oscillation.
Refer to the B1506A User Guide and the documentation supplied with the HP289-PM for detailed thermal plate installation.
Connect the host controller PC, the B1506A Analyzer and the E5810B Gateway to the LAN switch.
If you are using the InTEST thermal platform in the B1506A, use a GPIB cable to connect the Keysight E5810B LAN/GPIB/USB Gateway (part of PD1000A option -GTW) to the thermal platform controller. Option PD1000A Option GTW is required when using the InTEST thermal platform.
Power on the B1506A, the E5810B Gateway, and the InTEST controller.
Make certain the Host PC can communicate with each test instrument. You can use Keysight IO Libraries Suite Connection Expert to verify communication or troubleshoot communication problems.
Configure System Software
Before you use the system for the first time, you must do a one-time set up of B1506A Environment variables on your PC and configure the EasyEXPERT software for the either the B1505A or the B1506A.
PC Configuration
B1506A Environment Variables
If your system includes the B1506A power analyzer, you must install environment variables on your PC before running the IV and CV characterization tests. (You need to do this only once.) Refer to the PD1000A Startup Guide for detailed instructions on installing the files.
B150xA Configuration (EasyEXPERT Setup)
Set up the EasyEXPERT software on the B150xA power device analyzer. See PD1000AStartup Guide for detailed instructions.